Karlee Caballero

h: 5' 6" | w: 128 | pos:  D-M-F

Campo Verde girls soccer wins 5A state title with a shutout

Campo Verde High School once again recorded a shutout victory to win the 2019 Arizona State Championship - 5A

Both sides demonstrate teamwork on both sides of the ball but it was Campo Verde controlling possession for the majority of the match.

“They’ve got a good bond,” Coach Guarneri said. “They enjoy each other, they enjoy going to practices, they enjoy playing. When you build a family and build a bunch of characters that enjoy each other it’s easier to be functional.”

Its also a cool thing in high school athletics when you have two talented siblings on Campo Verde, Junior Karlee Caballero and sister Kayla Caballero, Sophomore

Karlee Caballero and her younger sister Kayla Caballero
Kayla Caballero, Sophomore & Karlee Caballero, Junior